Fluke Biomedical ROI Calculator

Instructions: Input numbers into fields. NaN (Not-a-Number) values recalculate as input is provided. Mouse over yellow/green fields to refresh result if necessary.

Ventilator/Anaesthesis Preventive Maintenance

On how many ventilators do you perform PM testing annually?
How many times a year is each ventilator tested?
On how many anaesthetia machines do you perform PM tests annually?
How many times a year is each anaesthetia machine tested?
ELECTRONIC TESTING Ventilators Anaesthesis
Your average time for one test done manually (push button based) (in minutes):

The average test time if performed with our automation (template based):

DOCUMENTATION Ventilators Anaesthesis
Your time documenting each test with pen & paper (in minutes):
Your time to type/scan and document each test (in minutes):
Do you electronically transfer data from test instruments to your database or computer?
Time to document one test using our automation (in minutes):
Manual Entry Digital Entry
Automation Time Savings (minutes) associated with each electronic test result generating or transfer:
Total Documentation Time Savings (minutes):
Total Electronic Test Time Savings (minutes):
Total Annual Time Savings (minutes):
What is your hourly billable rate (the per hour rate charged for your services - default $125/hour industry average shown): $
Documentation Savings: $
Electronic Test Savings: $
Total Annual Savings $

Fluke Biomedical. Trusted for the measurements that matter.